According to data from Météo France, 2020 is the hottest year la plus chaude registered since 1900. The average temperature of the year reached 14°C, while the normal average for metropolitan France is about 12,6°C (climatic normals over the period 1981-2010)
Trees "drink" water from the ground, and evacuate a large part of this water by evaporation and the transpiration of their foliage.
We have previously seen the influence of trees on climatic factors at forest scale.
On this very particular spring day, all confined while nature continue to follow its work depending on climatic hazards, it seems important to us to remind how important the role of nature and forest is est fundamental.
The solutions of nature face to climate change may appear limited : adaptations and migrations will depend on genetic characteristics of trees and on the time we have.
As we have seen, climatic hazards and especially summer droughts are more and more recurrent, and they have been going on since the 1980s ...
Lower water reserves in soils Climate change means more frequent high temperatures.