Maintenance monitoring for 5 years, in particular work to clear plants of competing vegetation.
A sustainable management document (Plan simple de gestion) already exists to monitor reforestation, with the aim of turning the forest into a continuous-canopy forest.
The Project
The project involves reforesting an area of 3.25 ha in the west of the Marne (Grand Est), in the eastern part of the Brie and Tardenois region, with the aim of restoring a dying forest that has been attacked by bark beetles (insect pests).
- Planting of 1,880 seedlings of 8 species (Sessile Oak, Norway Maple, Black walnut, Red oak, Pin oak, Wellingtonia, Western Red-Cedar), with the aime of recreating a diverse forest adapted to the site (soil and climateà. In addition to this species enrichment carried out in plots, silvicultural work to encourage natural regeneration is being carried out, in order to select at least 1,365 stems from existing semi-dwarf trees .
Department of Marne
Les Essarts-lès-Sézanne is a commune in the west of the Marne departement, on the eastern border of the Seine-et-Marne department, in the 'Brie and Tardenois' sylvo-ecoregion, an essentially agricultural aea with meadows, hedged farmland, orchards and cereal fields, as well as a large urbanised area.
The project is located between the Petit and Grand Morin rivers, wich have their source in the Marne department. The commune of les Essarts-les-Sézanne is included within the perimeter of the 'Petit et Grand Morin' Water Development and Management Scheme (SAGE), underlining the importance of effective management of water quality, to which the forest actively contributes by playing a key role in preserving it.