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Reforestation Sulniac - dieback


Label Bas Carbone certified project

Project description

Restoring a dying forest

The reforestation project in Sulniac, Morbihan (Brittany), aims to restore a degraded forest following severe dieback of a chestnut coppice. The reforestation is based on a selection of species adapted to the characteristics of the soil and changing climate, with the planting of Maritime Pines, Atlas Cedars and Pubescent Oaks. This choice of diversified species will help to promote biodiversity in the forest. 

Several key elements have been retained to preserve biodiversity: habitat trees at the edges of the plots will provide essential refuges for wildlife, while a low stone wall, a historic witness to the past development of these plots, will continue to serve as a refuge for rocky habitat species. On this sloping land, the project also play a crucial role in reducing soil erosion, thereby consolidating the forest's ecosystem functions, and limiting the effects or runoff towards the Kercohan stream below.

Label Bas Carbone
Project location

Sulniac, Morbihan (Brittany), 20 km from Vannes

Planted area

2,9 ha planted

Selected species

Maritime pine, Atlas cedar, Pubescent oak

Total number of trees to be planted

About 4350 trees

Photo arbre dépérissant
Southern Brittany

A reforestation project in the heart of the Golfe du Morbihan Regional Nature Park

Located in Sulniac in the Morbihan department, this project is part of the sylvo-ecoregion of southern Brittany, in the heart of the Golfe du Morbihan Regional Nature Park and just 20 km from Vannes. Forests occupy a small part of the territory, around 16%, and face numerous challenges linked to urbanization and the expansion of human activities, particularly around the Vannes conurbation.

In this predominantly bocage landscape, the preservation of this forest helps to reinforce the ecological continuity between the hedgerows and  the remaining forest massifs. By restoring these wooded areas, the project contributes to preserving biodiversity and reconnecting the scattered patches of forest in this region of exceptional natural heritage.

A cooperative planting project
Sustainable Management Document

Sustainable forest management

The wooded parcel is part of an existing sustainable management docment: The owner has set up a Plan Simple de Gestion, approved by the Centre National de la Propriété Forestière (CNPF).

Certified project

Label Bas Carbone certification

The Sulniac project is part of the "Reconstitution de forêt dégradée" (Restoration of degraded forest) method of the Label Bas Carbone, a certification examined and issued by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition (DREAL)

Bordure de parcelle à boiser
Operational project

Project timetable

  • Start of planting work: end 2025 or end 2026, depending on operational and weather conditions
  • Plantation maintenance: 5 years after planting
  • Third-party audit: final verification of Carbon Emission Reductions (tonnes CO2)
A project with multiple benefits

Carbon, environmental and socio-economic benefits

Certified carbon
Biodiversity co-benefit
Soil preservation co-benefit
Socio-economic co-benefits
Project specifics

A reforestation project for the future of our forests

Diversification of tree species

The aim of our project is to diversify and mix species (coniferous and deciduous), while taking into account soil conditions and climate change. These species will complement the border trees retained for biodiversity purposes.

Conservation of rocky habitats

An ancient low stone wall running along the edge of the plot has been preserved, in order to maintain specific habitats for rocky fauna.

Preserving soil and watercourses

The preservation of this forest area by reforestation, combined with limited tillage only on the plantation lines, helps to limit erosion, while a stream runs alongside the forest below. The roots of the trees help to maintain the soil, thus limiting the runoff of particles that can disturb the waters of aquatic environments.

A positive social and economic impact

The forestry sector encompasses a wide range of occupations that cannot be relocated: forest managers, nurserymen, forestry work companies (loggers and forest operators in the future). France's wood processing industry also encompasses a wide range of trades, right through to the manufacture of the finished product.