Afforestation Maen Roch

Abioxir has contributed 222 tonnes of CO2 to the afforestation project in Maen Roch. These will be verified following the audit carried out 5 years after planting.
Certified project Label Bas Carbone
The project is a woodland of diverse species located in Ille-et-Vilaine, covering an area of 2.9 ha (Sessile Oak, Atlas Cedar, Hornbeam, Evergreen Oak, Coastal Redwood, Holly). It is part of a forestry project to complement an existing grove, as well as landscaping project. The roadside verges are planted with deciduous trees and shrubs. Walkways have also been laid out to make the most of these areas and provide easy access to the lake.
Maen Roch, Ille-et-Vilaine (35), near a body of water crossed by the Loisance.
2,9 ha planted
Sessile Oak, Atlas Cedar, Hornbeam, Evergreen Oak, Coastal Redwood, Holly
About 5220 trees
The project is located in Maen Roch, in Ille-et-Vilaine, in the east of Brittany.
The department is the most "land" in Brittany, and forms a transition between Normandy and western Brittany. As part of the ecological continuity defined for Brittany as a whole, our project is located in a large area of permeability called "De la Rrance du Coglais et de Dol-de-Bretagne à la forêt de Chevré" (from the Rrance of Coglais and Dol-de-Bretagne to the Chevré forest). More specifically, it is located in an inland continuum running in an east-wet direction, associated with a strong connection between natural environments: "Massifs forestiers et bocages des marches de Bretagne/Plateau de Penthièvre".
In terms of the green network, our project will help to maintain the continuity between hedged farmland and woodland, with the addition of a wide variety of tree species.
The installation of deciduous borders with a shrub layer (holly) supplemented by Evergreen oak and hornbeam helps to improve the landscape: it forms a tiered vegetation with evergreen species, while providing food for wildlife.
Abioxir has contributed 222 tonnes of CO2 to the afforestation project in Maen Roch. These will be verified following the audit carried out 5 years after planting.
The Maen Roch project is part of the Label Bas Carbone afforestatio method, a certification examined and issued by the French Ministry fo Ecological Transition (DREAL).
The wooded parcel will be the subject of a sustainable management document to be created: Once the funding has been set up, the owner will adhere to a Code of Good Forestry Practice introduced by the Centre National de la Propriété Forestière (CNPF)
The aim of our projects is to diversify the tree species, including a majority of hardwood and indigenous species:
The project fits into a landscape close to hedged farmland and urban areas. We are going to keep the leafy and shrubby borders already present on the plot to preserve the interest of these environments for flora and fauna.
The borders along the road and in the centre of the plot will therefore be retained.
Deciduous borders have been created along the main path and along the road, to improve the visual and landscape aspect. A gradual progression has been created, woth holly ans Evergreen oak, followed by hornbeam, whose leaves are amont the first to appear in spring.
The forestry sector encompasses a wide range of occupations that cannot be relocated: forest managers, nursery growers, forestry work companies (lumberjacks and loggers in the future). The wood processing industry in France also encompasses a wide range of trades right through to the manufacture of the finished product.